Hiking Denali National Park
The Denali National Park and Preserve is a 60 acres wildlife reserve located in the Mountain ranges of Alaska. It is home to a diverse variety of plant and animal species including grizzly bears, mountain goats, and deer etc. The undulating lands and peaks surrounding the Denali mountain makes for a great hiking challenge – the reason why it is a must visit for hiking enthusiast across America.
To make the experience at the park more intriguing, the park is maintained as a trail-less National Park; allowing you to fully explore the small peaks, rivers, and valleys surrounding the Denali Mountain and the Mountain itself in utter cluelessness which is exciting as it is intimidating.
Seeing the Denali National Park and Preserve for the first time is usually a surreal experience. The park is a favorite vacation hiking location for a lot of people in the United States and Canada and is almost always full during the peak season of summer.
The Denali National Park and Preserve is divided into four campgrounds which have a strict camp maximum holding capacity at all times. The largest of the campgrounds is the Wonder Lake campground, closely followed by Tek and then we have the smaller campgrounds of Igloo and Sanctuary.
The Denali National Park and Preserves holds a special place in my heart. It is one place I go to find solitude and a little fitness. At my age (I am in my early forties), keeping fit and exploring places have become one of my life goals and my visit to the Denali National Park and Preserves is fulfilling on all fronts.
I have been to the park twice, first with a group of hiking buddies and the next was by myself, to explore the serenity I felt on my first visit.
Although the Denali National Park and Preserve is a trail-less park, there are topography maps of the area to guide you on your sojourn.
On the first day I arrived, I was able to secure a great camp spot at the Wonder Lake campground. Unlike the last time when we stayed at Savage outside the campgrounds and had to commute daily for the 3 days we hiked in the park, I was close to the hiking areas and was able to set out early, traveling “outbound” when most people are traveling “inbound”, allowing me to reach great day hikes easily. My prime purpose of staying inside the campgrounds was to get as much of the Parks’ experience as I could in the time that I was going to be there.
I would have loved a campsite allocation at any of the smaller campgrounds of Igloo or Sanctuary but as reservations are only made on site, at the time of my arrival, the campgrounds were filled up and there was no available space for me. Leaving me to resort to the Wonder Lake campground and boy! I was glad of the eventuality of my choice.
I had a fun time at the Wonder Lake campground of the Denali National Parks and Preserve. I had some time to myself to reflect on my life and times, and I also met some great people in the course of my hike, who made the experience even more memorable.
My camp spot had a great view of the surrounding Mt. McKinley and was easily reachable to great hiking sites particularly those of Polychrome and Stony Dome. I hiked through Primrose Ridge and Mt. Elison and was able to conquer the peaks of Polychrome and Stony Dome.
My experience at the park was great and I am sure yours would too. But if you are considering going on a trip to the Denali National Park and Preserve, I would suggest you take my advice below seriously.
When looking to go on the trip, plan to go during the summer times as the weather is often more pleasant and nicer as summer can get and also, the weather is more predictable at this time of the year (you don’t want to be hiking in snowy weather). There are also a few must-have items when hiking through the mountain ranges of the Denali National Park and Preserve. You should always have a compass (I learned the hard way), a Denali topography map, a hiking bag packed with supplies for at least 1 full day, a water purifier, stove, and camping tent should the need arise for you.